
EU’s Digital Future Seminar #1 : Unpacking the European way to regulate the “digital”

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Thursday 07 March 2024, 15:00-16:30
BSoG-VUB, Pleinlaan 5, Floor-1, Rome/Lisbon
This event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
EU digital future seminar


The first event of our new seminar series will present a newly published special issue in Politique Européenne on the EU’s digital politics and policies (Bonnamy & Perarnaud, 2024).  

This new publication addresses the following questions: What characterises and drives the EU’s approach to digital regulation? How do EU policymakers try to answer the challenges pertaining to specific characteristics of digital regulation and who takes part in such regulation? 

As part of two panels, the contributors of this special issue will present their findings, explore the complexities inherent to the EU’s digital regulation policies and provide insights into the intricate interplay of actors, processes, and values. Through the diverse and rich contributions of the authors, this event will highlight how this special issue contributes to a deeper understanding of the European approach to regulating the digital realm. 


  • Introduction of the special issue (Clément Perarnaud, VUB & Céleste Bonnamy, LUISS)


  • Panel 1: Nuances of Europeanization and Neoliberalisation in EU Digital Policies (Discussant: Marie Alauzen, CNRS)


Chloé Bérut (Ca' Foscari): Strategic Europeanisation: a ‘context-driven’ approach of the use of European instruments in digital health policies

Orsolya Gulyas (VUB): Digital sovereignty and economic competitiveness: an Arendtian approach to EU digital policy


  • Panel 2: Unravelling the Web of Actors in EU Digital Policies (Discussant: Matti Ylönen, University of Helsinki) 


Trisha Meyer (VUB) & Samuel Cipers (VUB): “Free speech is not free reach.” How platforms self-regulate misinformation, political ads and election campaigns

Julien Rossi (Paris 8): The argumentative structure of a half-century of European data protection public policy



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